Thursday, February 24, 2011

This is a test.

Yep. Starting a new blog. I'll be using either WordPress or Movable Type (still deciding) for the real deal. This is just a placeholder to figure out how to set up a basic layout, decide what features it will have, etc. So this is all very Beta. Pre-beta even. Not ready for the soft opening.

But for the record: This blog will focus on new emerging national space programs - particularly China - as well as the old warhorses U.S. and Russia, NewSpace/commercial space (i.e. emerging non-state space actors), international space cooperation, the future of manned and unmanned space exploration and observation, space policy, and the hows and whys of space technology as it relates to environmental problems here on Earth. And a little bit on the Apollo program. Just because.

What's going to be so special about a new space blog, and why should you check back later? I've got decades of experience working in the field of science and conservation, with a regional speciality in the Asia-Pacific region, so I'm coming at this from a somewhat unique angle. I'm Google-able if the suspense is starting to kill you.

So bear with me as I get it set up. I'll have a dedicated URL, logo, semi-coherent structure, all sorts of other bells and whistles and fun little fandangos, so watch this space.


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